Evaluatıon Of Tradıtıonal Sılıfke Culınary Culture In Terms Of Sustaınable Gastronomy and Transfer of Cultural Herıtage


  • Turgay KABAK Doç. Dr., Bayburt Üniversitesi İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü | Bayburt University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Turkish Language and Literature. Türkiye.


Silifke, gastronomy, sustainable gastronomy, culinary culture, cultural heritage


Silifke district of Mersin province, bordered by the Taurus Mountains to the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south, is an important settlement in terms of history and tourism. Silifke has a fertile soil structure where different plants grow in the fertile plain formed by the Göksu River and in the lands at the foot of the Taurus Mountains. For this reason, the district has a rich agricultural culture and, accordingly, a very rich culinary culture. Silifke is a center of attention for local and foreign tourists as it is located on the Mediterranean coast and contains many historical artifacts from ancient times. One of the best methods to be followed in order to transfer the characteristics of the rich traditional culinary culture of Silifke, where agriculture and tourism come together, to future generations without being spoiled and to bring them into tourism correctly, is the understanding of sustainable gastronomy. Because the biggest aim of sustainable gastronomy is to bring traditional culinary culture to tourism without compromising its originality.The aim of this article is to identify the issues that need to be followed in order to properly bring the elements of traditional culinary culture, one of the most important cultural heritages of Silifke, into tourism with the understanding of sustainable gastronomy, and to reveal the benefits that this situation will bring. With this article, it has been determined that Silifke has many cultural heritage in its traditional culinary culture that can be brought to tourism. It has been revealed that if these elements are brought into tourism with a sustainable gastronomy approach, their originality will not be damaged, thus the cultural heritage can be transferred to future generations in a healthy way and will contribute to the economic development of the region.



How to Cite

KABAK, T. (2024). Evaluatıon Of Tradıtıonal Sılıfke Culınary Culture In Terms Of Sustaınable Gastronomy and Transfer of Cultural Herıtage. Türk Folklor Araştırmaları, 1(368), 76–85. Retrieved from https://turkfolklorarastirmalari.com/index.php/pub/article/view/15


