About the Journal

Publication Type: Online

International Peer-Reviewed Research Journal

Published twice a year in January and July.
Publication languages: Turkish and English.

Fields of Accepted Articles

Folklore | Anthropology | Literature


Turkish Folklore Research Association – TRNC


Prof. Dr. Metin Karadağ

Assistant Editor:

Dr. Zeynep Nagihan Kahveci - Ankara University/Turkey

English Language Editor:

Dr. Anastasiia Zherdieva - Ankara University

Turkish Language Editor:

Prof. Dr. Fatma Bölükbaş - Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa - Turkey

Media-Publication and Promotion Editors:

Prof. Dr. Şevket Öznur - Near East University TRNC / Near East University. TRNC
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Münüsoğlu - Ankara University
Dr. İskender Yıldırım - Ankara University
Dr. Zeynep Nagihan Kahveci - Ankara University

Technical Coordination Managers:

Logo Designer: Prof. Dr. Pelin Öztürk Göçmen (Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University)
A. Engin Uçar (Cover Designer)

Article Design: Dr. Ozan Çetiner-Ankara University.

Book Review and Writing editor: Dr. Makbule Uysal


Tel: +90 548 86735 00
Email: info@turkfolklorarastirmalari.com; tfadergisi@gmail.com


Turkish Folklore Research Journal (TFA) was founded by İhsan Hınçer in 1949 and closed with the 366th issue dated January 1980; in May 2023, the founder's heir, Mr. Bora Hınçer, the last owner and editor, transferred the re-publication rights of the journal in writing to Prof. Dr. Metin Karadağ on behalf of the Folklore Research Society Society in TRNC. The journal publishes two issues a year online. DOI-tagged articles in the open-access journal are published free of charge in a double-blind review system. TFA is an open access journal. Authors have all kinds of usage rights about their products. The management of the Society/Journal is not responsible for the articles in any way; all responsibilities belong to the authors. The author(s) of the articles requiring an Ethics Committee decision must include the required report in the manuscript submission. In the submission of the article, the authors submit a Publication Declaration Form stating that they assume all the responsibilities of the study, that it has not been published elsewhere, and that it has not been sent to other publishing organs for publication. As an open-access journal, authors own the copyrights of their products. Authors are not paid any fee. They can  use their works in different places by citing TFA as a source and publishing their translations in full text.

 The author is notified of the pre-evaluation decision within a week after an article is received by the journal,. According to the decision of the field editor, the article is submitted to the referees. Articles that are found unsuitable by the field editor are returned to the author with the editor's decision. This process is 15 days. If the article receives the necessary approvals, it is planned to be published within 6 (six) months.